When it comes to foot pain, every person is different, but the most coarse sign is going to be ache in one or more parts of the foot. The first thing a foot pain sufferer needs to do is to make sure the source of the pain isn't arrival from something that isn't positively fixed, such as an ill-fitting pair of shoes or a high pair of heels. With those coarse culprits removed from the picture, it's a good idea to notice things like where the pain starts and if it migrates at all, what time of day and while what performance the pain is most acute, a single event that might have caused the pain, any lingering health concerns that might have attributed to the pain and so on.
The symptoms of foot pain are pretty much coarse sense. Whatever that you feel in your foot that isn't right. Things like swelling that won't go away, random numbness for no apparent speculate in the feet, unexplained redness and either the feet being too warm or too cold without any cause. Considering how important your feet are to your basic health and wellbeing, don't' wait for one of these definite symptoms to worsen before you go seek the guidance of a doctor.
Diagnosing foot pain is a fairly straight-forward affair. A podiatrist, is a foot specialist, and goes to school for a lot of years to be able to hold someone's foot in their hands and listen to the type of pain you're suffering from and be able to tell you what the problem is. You should expect your physician to ask you about the types of shoes you wear and what corporeal performance you engage in that might have resulted in the foot pain. If the physician is unable to diagnose your health by touch, healing science has equipped the intrepid physician with some tools that might just do the job.
X rays are used to take a photograph of the inside of your foot using low doses of radiation. While inordinate exposure to x-rays has proven to be bad for you, getting an x-ray once in a while won't hurt. The x-ray can tell the physician if there are small breaks, fractures or fissures that could be causing your foot pain.
Mri machines (magnetic resonance imaging) can be used in the same way as the x-ray to see inside your foot without having to cut you open. The Mri engine uses magnets to make images on a computer screen. The physician can then tell if there are any problems with the bones and the soft tissue inside the foot. It can also help pinpoint small fractures that might not be clear on the x-ray.
If the physician thinks it's arthritis that's causing your foot pain, he can invite a synovial fluid analysis. Don't let the big healing name fool you, it's a level send policy where the physician takes fluid samples from the joints in the foot and tests them to see if the surrounding joint is arthritic.
A proper determination is extremely important to ensure that you are properly treating and curing your type of foot pain.
Ankle Surgery:Foot Pain Signs, Symptoms & diagnosis